Fall 2019 at the Jahn Research Group
At the 2019 Students for Organic Seed Systems (SOSS) National Annual Meeting, Jahn was presented with an artist’s print of one of her most famous varieties, an All America Winner, Cornell’s Bush Delicata by Ken Greene, who blends art with plant breeding to make unique portraits of plant varieties. With her is her former student, Jason Cavatorta who has also won an All America medal for his tomato variety, Damsel. Another one of her varieties, Honeynut, is the newest in the series of original artwork. Dodgeville, WI August 24, 2019.
Molly Jahn gave a college-wide lecture at the US Navy War College, Newport, RI on Food Systems and National Security, and served as Guest Facutly to teach EEMT 375 ‘Ethics of Emerging Technology’ with Prof Tom Creely on Sept 25, 2019
Molly Jahn has been appointed to serve on NOAA’s Data Access and Archiving Requirements Working Group which met in Santa Rosa, CA on Sept 26-27, 2019
Molly Jahn with Dan Glickman, Former Secretary of Agriculture, after keynoting a Congressional briefing on Food Systems and National Security on Sept 12, 2019
Molly Jahn and the 2019 World Food Prize Laureate, Simon Groot, in an interview on stage for the final plenary session, Des Moines, IA October 16, 2019
Molly Jahn, the Honorable Victor Villabos, Mexican Minister of Agriculture, CIMMYT Director General Martin Kropf, The Honorable Miguel X, Mexican Vice Minister of Agriculture, and Dr. Bram Govaerts and Daniela Vega, CIMMYT
Dr. Molly Jahn and Dr. Gregory Treverton at the University of Southern California where Molly served as Guest Faculty for Intro to Intelligence and Intelligence and Geopolitics