Earth Observations, Agriculture, Food Systems and National Security: A Roadmap for US Federal Agencies

November 16, 2020

Co-organized with University of Illinois, NCSA, NASA, USDA NIFA, Thomson Reuters Special Services, and Mitre

Meeting Purpose: Review draft findings to be included in an assessment of the use of civilian earth observations for agriculture in the context of US national security. Opportunities will be identified for enhanced coordination and partnership among US federal agencies where civilian EO and derived products are important to analysis or to research on food security and food systems in the context of US national security. Specific recommendations will be collected from panelists and from workshop attendees via the chat function for inclusion in two reports that will be produced for use by the federal community focused on improving agricultural and food system security.

Panel 1: Guiding Research Investments to Fully Leverage Existing Assets Including Civilian Earth Imagery Toward Food System Security
Panel 2: Architectures of Solutions


Final NASA EO Workshop Info Sheet

Nov 16 NASA EO Day of Deck