Jahn Research Group and the Arts

As scientists and science communicators, we recognize the essential importance of public engagement with developments in science. As we face today’s “wicked problems,” engagement from all parts of society will be necessary—few people more than artists have the tools to make this happen.



In 2017, South Korean filmmaker Bong Joon-Ho co-wrote and directed Okja, a fascinating tale of food and friendship where a young farmer fights to save Okja, a genetically-modified super-pig she’s raised and befriended. Sloan Science and Film asked Dr. Jahn to write a review and commentary of the film, reflecting on its messages about the modern food system. The review is available here.






Mouthful At the Metta Theatre

In 2015, the Jahn Research Group collaborated with Lydia Adetunji to develop a small script titled, “Bread on the Table,” for Mouthful, a theatrically imaginative response to the global food crisis from six of the world’s most exciting dramatists in partnership with six of the world’s leading scientists. For more information about the project, click here.




Sourcing Matters Podcast- EP 65: Risk of Volatility


Aaron Niederhelman, podcast host and CEO of OneHealthAg, invites Dr. Molly Jahn to discuss strategies of change in the context of food systems, climate change, and societal risk. How can climate-related risks be communicated to the public, and how can we begin to see and respond to risks in new ways?

Baskerville Willy: “Maybe Molly can Save the World”

Bill Rutherford, a biochemist at Imperial College London and a dear friend of the Jahn Group, fronts a blues band called Baskerville Willy. Here he sings a song of hope – maybe Molly can save the world.