Global Farm Platform


The major challenges of the twenty-first century, namely climate change, population growth, environmental pollution, loss of biodiversity and ecosystem services, and availability of food, water and energy, have engendered concerns about the sustainability of livestock keeping and consumption of their products, particularly so for ruminants. In 2012, a diverse group of scientists came together to create a vision of sustainable production of healthy food from healthy animals. This vision is now shared by a partnership of numerous scientists in world leading universities and agricultural research institutions in five continents.


  • Establish a global academic network to promote farm research platforms for optimization of ruminant livestock production and hence contribute to food security, sustainability and poverty alleviation.
  • Promote the exchange of knowledge, methodologies and data on global farm platforms for ruminant livestock among academics, through workshops, regional training sessions and international research project development.
  • Provide international experience, outlook, and knowledge to academic staff involved in the development and operation of farm research platforms for ruminant livestock production, through staff placements and exchanges.

To learn more, please visit the Global Farm Platform website.