Molly Jahn

Principal Investigator

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Molly Jahn is currently on an Interagency Personnel Agreement from UW-Madison to serve as Senior Advisor to the Chief Strategy Officer, Office of the Under Secretary of Defense (Research & Engineering), Office of the Secretary of Defense.

BA with Distinction, Swarthmore College
MS Biology, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
PhD Plant Genetics, Cornell University
DSc (Hon), Anglia Ruskin University
DSc (Hon), Swarthmore College



About Molly

Dr. Molly Jahn is a professor at the University of Wisconsin-Madison where she holds appointments in the Department of Agronomy, the Nelson Institute, the Global Health Institute, currently on long term leave for Government Service.  She most recently taught “Systems Thinking,” required for the UW-Madison Sustainability Certificate, which appears to be unique in higher education and is regularly noted by undergraduates to be transformative (see Systems Thinking tab on this website). The Jahn Research Group ( focuses on domestic and global food system stability and security is presently on hold, but most recently operated on the University of Wisconsin campus in a federal building under a Cooperative Agreement for Research and Development with the U.S. Government.  Her work has appeared in a wide range of publications including peer-reviewed science journals, the Middle East Quarterly, the Journal of International Relations, TIME, a major report published by Lloyd’s of London on Evolving Risk in the Global Food System, the U.S. Army War College Report “Implications of climate change for the U.S. Army,” and a book commissioned by the Special Operations Combatant Command (SOCOM) focused on unleashing strategic latency in a revisionist world order.  She served for several years as editor for the PLoS-One channel, “Crop science, food security and food systems,” and is the Director of a non-profit organization, Knowledge Systems for Sustainability Consortion (KSS), a global network anchored at premier research institutions focused on building and testing decision-relevant knowledge systems. Her innovative approaches to inter-sector, international, transdisciplinary partnerships; her engagement with emerging institutions; her active commitments to work with deeply challenged communities in the U.S. and abroad; and her integrated, large projects focused on impact and technology transfer; have been highlighted widely in academic and popular press including most recently a full page feature in the Financial Times and the movie, premiering in theaters in June, 2024 called The Grab.  In 2017, Jahn received the highest award from the Milwaukee Public Schools, “Excellence in Education,” for her work with a community of students, teachers, administrators, industry and higher education to found the Vincent High School of Agricultural Sciences, modeled after and greatly assisted by colleagues at the Chicago High School of Agricultural Sciences.

Jahn began her academic career in 1991 when she was appointed Assistant Professor at Cornell University and established a molecular genetics laboratory in support of field-based vegetable breeding programs in the Department of Plant Breeding. She developed a new course, Advanced Plant Genetics, for which she was awarded the Young Faculty Teaching Excellence award in 1997.  She built a large research team funded by USDA, NSF, the seed industry, commodity boards and philanthropy focused on genetics, breeding and genomics of vegetable crops, led, since Jahn’s departure in 2006, by her former postdoc, graduate student and technician, Prof. Michael Mazourek and endowed by Jahn/Munger royalties. She has trained many students who have gone on to stellar careers in academia, industry and government, and who maintain their associations with the Jahn Lab.  Her two most recent postdoctoral associates, Dr. Sarah Collier and Dr. Buddhika Jahaya have recently been appointed Assistant Professors at the University of Washington at Seattle and the U.S. Air Force Academy. Jahn’s research teams at Cornell University and at University of Wisconsin have produced dozens of commercially significant varieties grown on six continents, many of which are widely recognized in the industry as market founders or leaders, including Cornell’s Bush Delicata squash, awarded the All America Gold Medal, Honeynut and Honey baby squash.  She has several more All America selections, plant variety certificates, >130 peer-reviewed publications, >60 active commercial licenses, several patents, and she has authored a series of influential reports with commercial partners such as Lloyd’s of London, Cargill, the Geneva Association, and Thomson Reuters.

In 2006, Jahn was appointed as the 12th Dean of the University of Wisconsin-Madison College of Agricultural and Life Sciences and Director of the Wisconsin Agricultural Experiment Station. During Jahn’s deanship (2006-11), she balanced the budget from a 7-figure structural deficit, extramural funding in the college nearly doubled, and funding for several major college facilities was secured including the US Department of Energy Great Lakes Bioenergy Research Center and Wisconsin Bioenergy Initiative (~$265M), the Arlington Integrated Dairy Research Center ($5.1M), the Wisconsin Energy Institute for sustainable and renewable energy research ($58M), and the first carbon neutral football game (10/25/08) and football season (2009) in the Big Ten.  She began fundraising for a badly needed renovation to the Food Science/Dairy Plant Building and the Meat and Muscle Biology Laboratory. Jahn led both administrative and curricular reform, resulting in a new cross-college degree system that allowed an Environmental Sciences major, a global health certificate that now enrolls more than a thousand undergraduates, implemented animal health standards accredited college wide by AAALAC, improved salary equity, support of pre-tenure faculty, and cyber and physical security. She hired more than 70 faculty, with a record number of joint hires with other schools and colleges. She launched the Rural Youth Scholarship Fund to address specific financial challenges faced by outstanding scholars with rural backgrounds in the State of Wisconsin, actively built strong relationships with the UW System comprehensive universities with strengths in agriculture and life sciences, developed strong relationships with the College of Menominee Nation and the Wisconsin Technical College. Within the College, she incentivized updated administrative structures that better serve faculty, staff and students, and founded a new magazine, Grow, to foster a shared identity for Wisconsin’s life sciences, agriculture, food which has received numerous awards for excellence in ag publishing. She regularly appeared in agricultural media and continues as a radio personality and resource for the Mid-West Farm Report.

In 2009-10, she was called by President Obama under an Interagency Personnel Agreement to provide interim leadership as Deputy and Acting Under Secretary of Research, Education and Economics at the U.S. Department of Agriculture, responsible for USDA’s two research agencies, the Agricultural Research Service and the National Institute for Food and Agriculture, and two federal statistical agencies, the Economic Research Service and the National Agricultural Statistical Service. In 2012, she was recognized for her work at USDA focused on improved climate and inclusivity at the USDA Agricultural Research Service with the department’s highest recognition, the Secretary’s Honor Award. She returned to the deanship as soon as the candidate for Senate confirmation successfully completed her hearings. In 2011 on the incoming Governor’s inauguration day, she stepped down from the deanship, and continued to serve as the Special Advisor to the UW-Madison Chancellor and Provost for Sustainability Sciences through the Provost’s retirement (2011-14). In 2011, she also was selected to represent the U.S. on a 13 member International Commission for Sustainable Agriculture and Climate Change.

From 2013-2019, Jahn co-directed the major USDA grant on U.S. dairy sustainability, led by University of Wisconsin.  From 2017 through 2020 when she re-entered Government service, Jahn was subcontracted to serve as Director of Strategic Outreach for NASA’s Harvest Consortium, a $14.7M grant to the University of Maryland. In 2016, she was selected to lead a Cooperative Research and Development Agreement for the U.S. Government’s National Geospatial Intelligence Agency entitled “Food security, food systems and national security interests.”  In 2018-9, she served as a resource for the U.S. Senate Armed Services Committee and the Department of Defense Report on Vulnerabilities of the Global Food System with relevance to U.S. National Security.

Jahn has served on numerous boards and advisory panels around the world including the CIMMYT, the U.S. National Academies of Science Board on Agriculture and Natural Resources, NASA’s Applied Sciences Advisory Committee, the Santa Fe Institute Science Board, the International Agricultural Research Center System (CGIAR) Consortium Board, Government of Canada Standing Selection Committee for National Centres of Excellence, the International Life Sciences Institute Research Foundation Board of Trustees, the Advisory Board of the Global Assessment Report for the UN Special Representative for Disaster Risk Reduction, university and company advisory boards in Europe, Asia and Australia. A longtime consultant for East West Seeds, she successfully nominated this company’s founder, Simon Groot, for the World Food Prize, awarded in October 2019. She was the initial funder and long term advisory board member for the Agricultural Model Inter-comparison and Improvement Partnership (AgMIP) recognized with the World Food Prize in 2021. Also, in 2019, she oversaw and chaired the decadal review team for the Queensland Alliance of Agriculture and Food Innovation on behalf of the Government of Queensland and the University of Queensland. She consults globally for business and finance, governments, philanthropic organizations, and international multi-lateral institutions focused on agriculture, food systems, risk, life sciences, development, national security and environment with a particular focus on insurance.

Dr. Jahn received the BA with Distinction in Biology from Swarthmore College, holds graduate degrees from MIT and Cornell University, and has been awarded Honorary Doctor of Science degrees from Swarthmore College and Anglia Ruskin University.  She was named a Rothamsted Fellow in 2014, the first Lilian Martin Fellow at the University of Oxford’s Martin School in 2015, Commencement Speaker at the University of Sydney (2016), is Non-Resident Fellow at the U.S. Naval War College in their Ethics of Emerging Military Technologies Program, unique among the PME system, and is a Fellow of the the Wisconsin Academy of Arts, Sciences and Letters, the Crop Science Society of America and the AAAS.

Around the Web

Recent Popular Publications

Jahn, M.M., G.F. Treverton, D.A. Bray, B. Jayamaha, B. Valdez, B. Carnes, W. HutchisonW. MulhernAre Declines in U.S. Federal Workforce Capabilities Putting Our Government at Risk of Failing? Senior Executives Association. 2019.
See also: Jahn, MM., G.F. Treverton, D.A. Bray. America is Facing a Government Workforce Crisis Far Bigger than the Shutdown – and It’s Putting the Nation in Danger. TIME Magazine. 2019.

Managing Physical Climate Risk: Leveraging Innovations in Catastrophe Risk Modelling.” 2018. Geneva Association Research Report. (M. Jahn, writing team member.)

Jahn, M.M., B. Jayamaha, W.S. Mulhern, D.E. Ross, M.A. Rose, G.F. Treverton. 2018. “Global Food System Stability and Risk: At the Nexus of Defense and Development.” Thomson Reuters Research Report.

Janetos, A., Justice, C., Jahn, M., Obersteiner, M., Glauber, J., Mulhern, W.  “The Risks of Multiple Breadbasket Failures in the 21st Century: A Science Research Agenda.” 2017. Pardee Center Research Report, The Frederick S. Pardee Center for the Study of the Longer-Range Future, Boston University.

Food System Shock: The Insurance Impacts of Acute Disruption to the Global Food Supply.” 2015. Emerging Risk Report, Lloyd’s of London. (Prepared for Lloyd’s by a research team led by Aled Jones and Molly Jahn).

Extreme weather and resilience of the global food system.” 2015. Final Project Report from the UK-US Taskforce on Extreme Weather and Global Food System Resilience.  The Global Food Security Programme. (M. Jahn, one of the lead authors).

Peer Reviewed Publications

Jahn, M.M. 2021. How ‘multiple breadbasket failure’ became a policy issue. Issues in Science and Technology 37(2):80-86. 80–86 Jahn – How Multiple Breadbasket Failure Became a Policy Issue (Winter 2021)

Ziemke, J. B. Jayamaha and M.M. Jahn. 2021. Crisis-Mapping and crowdsourcing in complex emergencies. In: Encyclopedia of Crisis Analysis, in press. Oxford University Press.

Yu, X., P. Wang, J. Li, Q. Zhao, C. Ji, Z. Zhu, Y. Zhai, X. Qin, J. Zhou, H. Yu, X. Cheng, S. Isshiki, Jahn, J.J. Doyle, C. Ottosen, Y. Bai, Q. Cai, C. Cheng, Q. Lou, S. Huang and J. Chen. 2021. Whole genome sequence of synthesized allopolyploids in Cucumis reveals insights into genome evolution of allopolyploidization. Advanced Science in press. DOI: 10.1002/advs.202004222

Collier, S.M., S.M. Green, A. Inman, T. Bearder, D.W. Hopkins, H. Kendall, M.M. Jahn and J.A.J. Dungait. 2020.  Effect of farm management on soil organic carbon and aggregate stability in water:  Case study from Southwest England.  Soil Use and Management 00:1-14. DOI: 10.1111/sum.12658

Cheng, C., Q. Li, X. Wang, Y. Li, C. Qian, J. Li, Q. Lou, M.M. Jahn* and J. Chen.*  2020. Identification and expression analysis of the CsMYB gene family in root knot nematode-resistant and susceptible cucumbers.  Frontiers in Genetics 11:550677 doi: 10.3389/fgene.2020.550677 * co-corresponding authorship.

Gutierrez Sanchez, P.A., L. Babujee, H. Jaramillo Mesa, E. Arcibal, M. Gannon, D. Halterman, M.M. Jahn, J. Jiang and A.M. Rakontondrafara. 2020. Overexpression of a modified eIF4E regulates Potato virus Y resistance at the transcriptional level in potato. BMC Genomics 21(18). DOI: 10.1186/s12864-019-6423-5

Guzmán, F.A., S. Moore, M.C. de Vicenti and M.M. Jahn.  2019. Microsatellites to enhance characterization, conservation and breeding value of Capsicumgermplasm.  Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution. Published online 4 July 2019. DOI: 10.1007/s10722-019-00801-w.

Egan, A., Fellman, S.M., G.M. Stellari, B.-C. Kang and M.M. Jahn. 2019.  Tandem gene duplication and recombination at the AT3locus in the Solanaceae, a gene essential for capsaicinoid biosynthesis in Capsicum. PLoS ONE 14(1): e0210510. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0210510.

Paustian, K, S.M. Collier, J. Baldock, R. Burgess, J. Creque, M. DeLonge, J. Dungait, B. Ellert, S. Frank, T. Goddard, B. Govaerts, M. Grundy, M. Henning, C. Izuarralde, M. Madaras, B. McConkey, E. Porzig, C. Rice, R. Searle, N. Seavy, R. Skalsky, W. Mulhern and M.M. Jahn. 2019. Quantifying soil carbon measurement for agricultural soils management: From the present status to a global soil information system.  Accepted Carbon Management.

Jayamaha, B., J. Matisek, K. Petit and M.M. Jahn.  2019. Smoke and Mirrors in the Middle East: Iranian and Saudi logics of regional interventions. Accepted Middle East Quarterly.

Ziemke, J. B. Jayamaha and M.M. Jahn. 2019.  Crisis-Mapping and crowdsourcing in complex emergencies. In: Encyclopedia of Crisis Analysis, Oxford University Press (in press).

Jayamaha, B., J. Matisek, W. Reno, M.M. Jahn. 2018.  Changing weather patterns, climate change and civil war dynamics: Institutions and conflicts in the Sahel.  J. Diplomacy and International Relations 20(1):70-87.

Matisek, J., T Robison, B. Jayahama and M.M. Jahn. 2019.  Extending the ‘American Century’:  The need for revisiting the social contract.  Georgetown J Int Affairs (in press).

Venkatesh, J., J. An, W.-H. Kang, M.M. Jahn, B.-C. Kang.  2018.  Fine mapping of the dominant potyvirus resistance gene, Pvr7 reveals a relationship with Pvr 4 in Capsicum annuum. Phytopathology 108(1):142-148.

Perez, K., J.S. Froikin-Gordon, I.K. Adbourhamane, V. Levasseur, A.A. Alfari, M. Armel, O. Bonsu, B. Habsatou, F. Assogba-Komlan, A.A. Mbaye, M. Noussourou, L.C. Otoidobiga, L. Ouedraogo, T. Kon, M. Rojas, K.T. Gamby, R.L. Gilbertson, F.  Shotkoski, and M. M. Jahn. 2017.  Connecting smallholder vegetable producers to improved seed in West Africa.  Agriculture and Food Security 6:42-56.

Lal, R., R.H. Mohtar, A.T. Assi, R. Ray, H. Baybil and M.M. Jahn.  2017.  Soils at the center of the food-energy-water nexus.  Curr Sustainable/Renewable Energy Repts 4(3):117-129.

Lunt, T., A.W. Jones, W.S. Mulhern, D.P.M. LeZaks, M.M. Jahn. 2016. Vulnerabilities to agricultural production shocks: An extreme, plausible scenario for assessment of risk for the insurance sector.  Climate Risk Management.  DOI 10.1016/j.crm.2016.05.001

Holdsworth, W.L., K.E. LaPlant, D.C. Bell, M.M. Jahn and M. Mazourek. 2016.  Cultivar-based introgression mapping reveals wild species-derived Pm-0, the major powdery mildew resistance locus in squash.  Accepted PLoS ONE.

Venkatesh, J., M.M. Jahn, B.C. Kang. 2016. Genome-wide analysis and evolution of the Pto-like protein kinase (PLPK) gene family in pepper. PLoS ONE 11(8):e0161545. DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0161545

LaPlant, K.E., L.E. Wyatt, G. Moriarty, M. Fink-Brodnick, M.M. Jahn and M. Mazourek. 2016.  Powdery Mildew Resistant Pumpkin Inbred Lines.  HortScience 51(10):1297-1300. DOI: 10.21273/HORTSCI10866-16.

Rakotondrafara, A.M., E. Arcibal, K.M. Gold, S. Flaherty, J. Jiang, M. M. Jahn. 2016. A mutant eIF4E confers differential resistance to Potato virus Y strains and is inherited in a dominant manner in the potato varieties Atlantic and Russet Norkotah.  American Journal of Potato Research. DOI 10.1007/s12230-015-9489-x.

Moffor, R.O., J. Nelson, M. Jahn and J. Nelson. 2015. Findings from the Caring International Research Collaborative: Using Caring Science To Assess and Support Food Sustainability Systems for Women Living with HIV/AIDS in a Village in Cameroon. Interdisciplinary J. of Partnership Studies.

Liu, W.Y., J.H. Kang, H.S. Jeong, H.J. Choi, H.B. Yang, K.T. Kim, D. Choi, G.J. Choi, M.M. Jahn, B.C. Kang.  2014.  Combined use of bulked segregant analysis and microarrays reveals SNP markers pinpointing a major QTL for resistance to Phytophthora capsici in pepper. Theor. Appl. Genet. 27:2503-2513.

Park, S.W., J.K. Jung, E.A. Choi, J.K. Kwon, J.H. Kang, M.M. Jahn and B.C. Kang. 2014.  An EST-based linkage map reveals chromosomal translocation in Capsicum.  Molecular Breeding. 34: 963-975.

Neufeldt, H., M.M. Jahn (co-first authors), B.M. Campbell, J.R. Beddington, F. DeClerck, J. Gulledge, J. Hellin, M. Herrero, A. Jarvis, D. LeZaks, H. Meinke, T. Rosenstock, M. Scholes, R. Scholes, S. Vermeulen, E. Wollenberg and R. Zougmore.
2013. Beyond climate-smart agriculture: toward safe operating spaces for global food
  Agriculture & Food Security. 2:12-18.

Lee, J.M., I. Yeam and M.M. Jahn. 2013.  Allelic relationships at the pvr1 locus in Capsicum.  Euphytica. 11: 943-951.

Wyatt, L.E., A.R. Dunn, M. Falise, S. Reiners, M.M. Jahn, C.D. Smart and M. Mazourek. 2013. Red harvest yield and fruit characteristics of Phytophthora capsici-resistant bell pepper inbred lines in New York . HortTechnology 23:356-363.

Gordon, J.S., I.K. Adbourhamane, V. Levasseur, K. Perez, A.A. Alfari, O. Bonsu, H. Boukary, F.A. Komlan, A.A. Mbaye, M. Noussourou, L. Claude Otoidobiga, K.G. Toure, R. Gilbertson, F. Shotkoski and M.M. Jahn. Evaluation of improved tomato varieties for West African ProductionHortTechnology (accepted)

R. Beddington, M. Asaduzzaman, M. E. Clark, A. Fernandez Bremauntz, M. D. Guillou, M. M. Jahn, E. Lin, T. Mamo, C. Negra, C. A. Nobre, R. J. Scholes, R. Sharma, N. Van Bo, J. Wakhungu. 2012. The role for scientists in tackling food insecurity and climate change. Agriculture & Food Security, 1:10.

Perez, K., I. Yeam, B.C. Kang, D.R. Ripoll, J. Kim, J.F. Murphy, M.M. Jahn. 2012. Tobacco etch virus infectivity in Capsicum spp. is determined by a maximum of three amino acids in the viral virulence determinant VPg. Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions 25:1562-1573.

Beddington J. R, M. Asaduzzaman, M. E. Clark, A. Fernandez Bremauntz, M. D. Guillou, D. J. B. Howlett, M. M. Jahn, E. Lin, T. Mamo, C. Negra, C. A. Nobre, R. J. Scholes, N. Van Bo, J. Wakhungu. 2012. What Next for Agriculture After Durban? Science 335:6066, 289–290.

Cavatorta, J., G. Moriarty, M. Glos, M. Henning, M. Kreitinger, M. Mazourek, H. Munger, M. M.. Jahn. 2012. “Salt and Pepper”: A disease-resistant cucumber inbred. HortScience 47, 427–428.

Cavatorta, J., K.W. Perez, S.M. Gray, J. Van Eck, I. Yeam and M.M. Jahn. 2011. Engineering resistance to plant viral disease using a modified potato gene. Plant Biotechnology Journal 9(9):1014-1021. doi: 10.1111/j.1467-7652.2011.00622.x. Epub 2011 Jun 12.

Miller, J.K., E.M. Herman, M.M. Jahn and K.J. Bradford. 2010. Strategic research, education and policy goals for seed science and crop improvement. Plant Science 179:645-652.

Stellari, G.M., M. Mazourek and M. M. Jahn. 2010. Contrasting modes for loss of pungency between cultivated and wild species of Capsicum. Heredity 104:460-471.

Mazourek, M., A. Pujar, Y. Borovsky, I. Paran, L. Mueller and M. M. Jahn. 2009. A dynamic interface for capsaicinoid systems biology. Plant Physiology 150:1806-1821.

Mazourek, M., E.T. Cirulli, S. M. Collier, L. G. Landry, B-C. Kang, E. A. Quirin, J. M. Bradeen, P. Moffett and M. M. Jahn2009. The fractionated orthology of Bs2 and Rx/Gpa2 supports shared synteny of disease resistance in the Solanaceae. Genetics 182:1351-1364.

Mazourek, M., G. Moriarty, M. Glos, M. Fink, M. Kreitinger, E. Henderson, G. Palmer, A. Chikering, D. Rumore, D. Kean, J. Myers, J. Murphy, C. Kramer and M.M. Jahn. 2009. Peacework: a cucumber mosaic virus-resistant early red bell pepper for organic systems. HortScience 44:1464-1467.

Wu, F., N.T. Eannetta, Y. Xu, R. Durrett, M. Mazourek, M.M. Jahn and S.D. Tanksley. 2009. A COSII genetic map of the pepper genome provides a detailed picture of synteny with tomato and new insights into recent chromosome evolution in the Genus Capsicum. Theor. Appl. Genet. 118: 1279–1293.

Yang, H.B., W.Y. Liu, W.H. Kang, M.M. Jahn, B.C. Kang. 2009. Development of SNP markers linked to the L locus in Capsicum spp. by a comparative genetic analysis. Molecular Breeding 24:433-446.

Zhuang, Y., J.-F. Chen and M.M. Jahn. 2009. Expression and sequence variation of the cucumber Por gene in the synthesized allotetraploid Cucumis x hytivus. Mol. Biol. Rep.

Cavatorta, J.R., A.E. Savage, I. Yeam, S.M. Gray and M.M. Jahn. 2008. Positive Darwinian selection at single amino acid sites conferring plant virus resistance. Journal of Molecular Evolution. 67:551-559.

Yeam, I., J.R. Cavatorta, D.R. Ripoll, B.C. Kang and M.M. Jahn.  2007.  Functional Dissection of Naturally Occurring Amino Acid Substitutions in eIF4E That Confers Recessive Potyvirus Resistance in Plants. Plant Cell 19(9):2913-2928.

Cavatorta, J., G. Moriarty, M. Henning, M. Glos, M. Kreitinger, H.M. Munger and M.M. Jahn. 2007. Marketmore 97: A monoecious slicing cucumber inbred with multiple disease and insect resistances. HortScience 42:707-709.

Garces-Claver, A., S. Moore Fellman, R. Gil-Ortenga, M.M. Jahn, M. Arnedo-Andres. 2007. Identification, validation and survey of a single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) associated with pungency in Capsicum spp. Theor. Appl. Genet. 115:907-916.

Kang B.C., I. Yeam, H. Li, K.W. Perez, and M.M. Jahn. 2007. Ectopic expression of a recessive resistance gene generates dominant potyvirus resistance in plants. Plant Biotech. J. 5:526-36.

Porch T.G., R. Bernsten, J.C. Rosas, M.M. Jahn. 2007. Climate change and the potential economic benefits of heat tolerant bean varieties for farmers in Atlántida, Honduras. Journal of Agriculture of the University of Puerto Rico 91(3-4):133-148.

Stewart C., M. Mazourek, G. Stellari, M. O’Connell and M.M. Jahn. 2007. Genetic control of pungency in C. chinense via the Pun1 locus. J. Exp. Bot. 58(5):979-991.

Ben Chaim, A., Y. Borovsky, M. Falise, M. Mazourek, B.C. Kang, I. Paran, I. and M.M. Jahn. 2006. QTL analysis for capsaicinoid content in Capsicum. Theor. Appl. Genet. 113:1481-1490.

Brown, C.R., T.S. Kim, Z. Ganga, K. Haynes, D. DeJong, M.M. Jahn, I. Paran and W.P. DeJong. 2006. Segregation of total carotenoid in high level potato germplasm and its relationship to beta-carotene hydroxylase polymorphism. Am. J. Pot. Res. 83:365-372.

Cadle-Davidson, M.M. and M.M. Jahn. 2006. Differential gene expression in Phaseolus vulgaris I locus NILs challenged with Bean common mosaic virus. Theor. Appl. Genet. 112:1452-1457.

Cadle-Davidson, M.M. and M.M. Jahn. 2006. Patterns of accumulation of Bean common mosaic virus in Phaseolus vulgaris genotypes nearly isogenic for the I locus. Ann. of Appl Biol. 148:179-185.

Chen, J. F., G. Ren, X.D. Luo, J. Staub and M.M. Jahn. 2006. Inheritance of aspartate aminotransferase (AAT) in Cucumis species as revealed by interspecific hybridization. Can. J. Bot. 84:1503-1507.

Liu, K., H. Jiang, S.L. Moore, C.B. Watkins and M.M. Jahn. 2006. Isolation and characterization of a lipid transfer protein expressed in ripening fruit of Capsicum chinense. Planta 223:672-683.

Lou, Q.F., J.F. Chen, L.Z. Chen, J.N. Wolokau, B.C. Kang and M.M. Jahn. 2006. Identification of an AFLP marker linked to a locus controlling gynoecy in cucumber and its conversion to a SCAR marker useful in plant breeding. L. Acta Horticulturae Sinica 31(2):256-261.

Luo, X.D., L.F. Dai, S.B. Wang, J.N. Wolukau, M.M. Jahn, and J.F. Chen. 2006. Male gamete development and early tapetal degeneration in cytoplasmic male-sterile pepper investigated by meiotic, anatomical and ultrastructural analyses. Plant Breeding 125:395-399.

Perez, K., I. Yeam, M.M. Jahn and B.C. Kang. 2006. Megaprimer-mediated domain swapping for construction of chimeric viruses. J. Virol. Methods 135:254-262.

Liu, K., H. Jiang, S.L. Moore, C.B. Watkins and M.M. Jahn. 2006. Isolation and characterization of a lipid transfer protein expressed in ripening fruit of Capsicum chinense. Planta 223:672-683.

Cadle-Davidson, M.M. and M.M. Jahn. 2005. Resistance conferred against bean common mosaic virus by the incompletely dominant locus of Phaseolus vulgaris is active at the single cell level. Arch. of Virol. 150:2601-2608.

Henning, M.J., H.M. Munger and M.M. Jahn. 2005. ‘Hannah’s Choice F1’: A new muskmelon hybrid with resistance to powdery mildew, Fusarium race 2 and potyviruses. HortScience 40:492-493.

Henning, M.J, H.M. Munger and M.M. Jahn. 2005. ‘PMR Delicious 51’: An improved open-pollinated melon with resistance to powdery mildew. HortScience 40:261-262.

Kang, B.-C., I. Yeam, J.D. Frantz, J.F. Murphy and M.M. Jahn. 2005. The pvr1 locus in pepper encodes a translation initiation factor eIF4E that interacts with Tobacco etch virus VPg. Plant J. 42:392-405.

Kang, B.-C., I. Yeam and M.M. Jahn. 2005. Genetics of resistance to plant viruses. Ann. Rev. Phytopathology 42:581-621.

Liu, K., B.C. Kang, H. Jiang, S.L. Moore, C.B. Watkins, T.L. Setter and M.M. Jahn. 2005. A GH3-like gene isolated from Capsicum chinense L. pepper fruit is regulated by auxin and ethylene. Plant Molecular Biology 58(4):447-464.

Qian, C.T., M.M. Jahn, J.E. Staub, X.-D. Luo and J.F. Chen. 2005. Meiotic chromosome behavior in an allotriploid derived from an amphidiploid x diploid mating in Cucumis. Plant Breeding 124:272-276.

Stewart, C.S., B.C. Kang, K. Liu, M. Mazourek, E.Y. Yoo, S.L. Moore, B.D. Kim, I. Paran and M.M. Jahn. 2005. The Pun1 gene in pepper encodes a putative acyltransferase. Plant J. 42:675-688.

Yeam, I., B.C. Kang, J.D. Frantz and M.M. Jahn. 2005. Allele-specific CAPS markers based on point mutations in resistance alleles at the pvr1 locus encoding eIF4E in Capsicum. Theor. Appl. Genet. 112:178-186.

Quirin, E.A., E. Ogundiwin, J.P. Prince, M. Mazourek, M.O. Briggs, T.S. Chlanda, K.-T. Kim, M. Falise, B.C. Kang and M. M. Jahn. 2005. Development of sequence characterized amplified region (SCAR) primers for the detection of Phyto.5.2, a major QTL for resistance to Phytophthora capsici Leon in pepper. Theor. Appl. Genet. 110:605-612.

Paran, I., J. Rouppe van der Voort, V. Lefebvre, M.M. Jahn, L. Landry, R. van Wijk, H. Verbakel, B. Tanyolac, C. Caranta, A. Ben Chaim, K.D. Livingstone, A. Palloix and J. Peleman. 2004. An integrated genetic map of pepper. Molecular Breeding 13:251-261.

Alba, R., Z. Fei, P. Payton, Y. Liu, S.L. Moore, P. Debbie, J.S. Gordon, J.K.C. Rose, G. Martin, S.D. Tanksley, M. Bouzayen, M.M. Jahn and J. Giovannoni. 2004. ESTs, cDNA microarrays and gene expression profiling: tools for dissecting plant physiology and development. Plant J. 39:697-714.

Chen, J., X. Luo, C. Qian, M.M. Jahn, J.E. Staub, F. Zhuang, Q. Lou and G. Ren. 2004. Cucumis monosomic alien addition lines: morphological, cytological and RAPD analysis. Theor. Appl. Genet. 108:1343-1348.

Frantz, J.D., J. Gardner, M.P. Hoffmann and M.M. Jahn. 2004. Greenhouse screening of Capsicum accessions for resistance to green peach aphid (Myzus persicae). HortScience 39:1332-1335.

Frantz, J.D., J. Gardner, M.P. Hoffmann and M.M. Jahn. 2004. Greenhouse screening of Capsicum accessions for resistance to European corn borer (Ostrinia nubilalis). HortScience 39:1336-1338.

Frantz, J.D and M.M. Jahn. 2004. Five independent loci each control monogenic resistance to gummy stem blight in melon (Cucumis melo L.). Theor. Appl. Genet. 108:1033-1038.

Naylor, R.L., W.P. Falcon, R.M. Goodman, M.M. Jahn, T. Sengooba, H. Tefera and R.J. Nelson. 2004. Biotechnology in the developing world: a case for increased investments in orphan crops. Food Policy 29:15-44.

Griffiths, P.D., M.M. Jahn and M.H. Dickson. 2004. Cornell 501: A white mold resistant snap bean breeding line. HortScience 39:1507-1508.

Nelson, R.J., R. Naylor and M.M. Jahn. 2004. The Role of Genomics Research in Improvement of “Orphan” Crops. Crop Science 44:1901-1904.

Porch, T.G., M.H. Dickson, M.C. Long, D.R. Viands and M.M. Jahn. 2004. General combining ability effects for reproductive heat tolerance in snap bean. J. Agric. Univ. Puerto Rico 88(3-4):161-164.

Rose, J.K.C., S. Bashir, J.J. Giovannoni, M.M. Jahn and R.S. Saravanan. 2004. Tackling the plant proteome: practical approaches, hurdles and experimental tools. Plant J 39:715-733.

Blum, E., M. Mazourek, M.A. O’Connell, J. Curry, T. Thorup, K. Liu, M.M. Jahn and I. Paran. 2003. Molecular mapping of capsaicinoid biosynthesis genes and QTL analysis for capsaicinoid content in Capsicum. Theor. Appl. Genet. 108:79-86.

Aluru, M.R., M. Mazourek, L.G. Landry, J. Curry, M.M. Jahn, and M.A. O’Connell. 2003. Differential expression of fatty acid synthase genes, AclFat and Kas, in Capsicum fruit. J. Exp. Bot 54:1655-1664.

Lotfi, M., A.R. Alan, M.J. Henning, M.M. Jahn and E.D. Earle. 2003. Production of haploid and doubled haploid plants of melon (Cucumis melo L) for use in breeding for multiple virus resistance. Plant Cell Rept. 21:1121-1128.

Chen, J.-F., X.D. Luo, J.E. Staub, M.M. Jahn, C.-T. Qian, F.-Y. Zhuang and G. Ren. 2003. An allotriploid derived from a amphidiploid x diploid mating in Cucumis. Euphytica 131:235-241.

Brown, R.N., A. Bolanos, J. Myers and M.M. Jahn. 2003. Inheritance of resistance to four cucurbit viruses in Cucurbita moschata. Euphytica 129:253-258.

Blum, E., K. Liu, M. Mazourek, E-Y. Yoo, M.M. Jahn and I. Paran. 2002. Molecular mapping of the C locus for presence of pungency in Capsicum. Genome 45:702-705.

Welsh, R., B. Hubbell, D.E. Erwin and M.M. Jahn. 2002. GM crops and the pesticide paradigm. Nature Biotechnology 20:548.

Celebi-Toprak, FR., S.A. Slack and M.M. Jahn. 2002. A new gene, Ny tbr, for hypersensitivity to Potato virus Y from Solanum tuberosum Maps to Chromosome IV. Theor Appl Genet 104:669-674.

Porch, T.G. and M.M. Jahn. 2001. Effects of high temperature stress on microsporogenesis in heat-sensitive and heat-tolerant genotypes of Phaseolus vulgaris. Plant Cell and Environment 24:723-731.

Ben Chaim, A., I. Paran, R.C. Grube, M.M. Jahn, R. van Wijk and J. Peleman. 2001. QTL mapping of fruit-related traits in pepper (Capsicum annuum). Theor. Appl. Genet. 102:1016-1028.

Ben Chaim, A., R.C. Grube, M. Lapidot, M.M. Jahn and I. Paran. 2001. Identification of quantitative trait loci associated with resistance to cucumber mosaic virus in Capsicum annuum. Perennial. Theor. Appl. Genet. 102:1213-1220.

Livingstone, K.D., G. Churchill and M.M. Jahn. 2000. Linkage mapping in populations with karyotypic rearrangements. J. Hered. 91:423-428.

Thorup, T.A., B. Tanyolac, K.D. Livingstone, S. Popovsky, I. Paran and M.M. Jahn. 2000. Candidate gene analysis of organ pigmentation loci in the Solanaceae. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA 97:11192-11197.

Collmer, C.W., M.F. Marston and M.M. Jahn. 2000. The I Gene of Bean: A Dosage-Dependent Allele Conferring Extreme Resistance, Hypersensitive Resistance, or Spreading Vascular Necrosis in Response to the Potyvirus. Bean common mosaic virus. Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions 13:1266-1270.

Anagnostou, K., M.M. Jahn and R. Perl-Treves. 2000. Inheritance and linkage analysis of resistance to zucchini yellow mosaic virus, watermelon mosaic virus, papaya ringspot virus and powdery mildew resistance in Cucumis melo L. Euphytica 116:265-270.

Grube, R.C., Y. Zhang, J.F. Murphy, F. Loaiza-Figueroa, R. Provvidenti and M.M. Jahn. 2000. A new source of resistance to Cucumber mosaic virus in Capsicum frutescens. Plant Disease 84:885-891.

Grube, R.C., J.R. Blauth, M. Arnedo, C. Caranta and M.M. Jahn. 2000. Identification and comparative mapping of a dominant potyvirus resistance gene cluster in Capsicum. Theor. Appl. Genet. 101:852-859.

Jahn, M.M., I. Paran, K. Hoffmann, E.R. Radwanski, K.D. Livingstone, R.C. Grube, E. Aftergroot, M. Lapidot and J. Moyer. 2000. Genetic mapping of the Tsw locus for resistance to tomato spotted wilt tospovirus in Capsicum and its relationship to the Sw-5 allele for resistance to the same pathogen in tomato. Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions 13:673-682.

Grube, R.C., E.R. Radwanski and M.M. Jahn. 2000. Comparative genetics of disease resistance within the Solanaceae. Genetics 155:873-887.

Zuniga, T., J.P. Jantz, T.A. Zitter and M.M. Jahn. 1999. Monogenic dominant resistance to gummy stem blight in two melon (Cucumis melo L.) accessions. Plant Disease 83:1105-1107.

Livingstone, K.D., V. Lackney, J.R. Blauth, R. Van Wijk and M.M. Jahn. 1999. Genome mapping in Capsicum and the evolution of genome structure in the Solanaceae. Genetics 152:1183-1202.

Silberstein, L., I. Kovalski, R. Huang, K. Anagnostou, M.M. Jahn and R. Perl-Treves. 1999. Molecular variation in melon (Cucumis melo L.) as revealed by RFLP and RAPD markers. Scientia Horticulturae 79:101-111.

Murphy, J.F., J.R. Blauth, K.D. Livingstone, V.K. Lackney and M.M. Jahn. 1998. Genetic Mapping of the pvr1 Locus in Capsicum spp. and Evidence That Distinct Potyvirus Resistance Loci Control Responses That Differ at the Whole Plant and Cellular Levels. Molecular Plant Microbe Interactions 11:943-951.

Kyle, M.M. and A. Palloix. 1997. Proposed revision of nomenclature for potyvirus resistance genes in Capsicum. Euphytica 97:183-188.

Prince, J.P., Y. Zhang, E.R. Radwanski and M.M. Kyle. 1997. A high-yielding and versatile DNA extraction protocol for Capsicum. HortScience 32:937-939.

Zhang, Y., M.M. Kyle, K. Anagnostou and T.A. Zitter. 1997. Screening Melon (Cucumis melo) for Resistance to Gummy Stem Blight in the Greenhouse and Field. HortScience 32:117-121.

Collmer, C.W., M.F. Marston, S.M. Albert, S. Bajaj, H.A. Maville, S.E. Ruuska, E.J. Vesely and M.M. Kyle. 1996. The nucleotide sequence of the coat protein gene and 3′ untranslated region of azuki mosaic potyvirus, a member of the bean common mosaic subgroup. Mol. Plant-Microbe Int. 9:758-761.

Valkonen, J.P.T., M.M. Kyle and S. Slack. 1996. Comparison of resistance to potyviruses within Solanaceae: infection of potatoes with tobacco etch potyvirus and peppers with potato A and Y potyviruses. Ann. Appl. Biol. 129:25-38.

Hoffmann, M.P., R.W. Robinson, M.M. Kyle and J.J. Kirkwyland. 1996. Defoliation and infestation of Cucurbita pepo genotypes by diabroticite beetles. HortScience 31:439-442.

Fisher, M.L. and M.M. Kyle. 1996. Inheritance of resistance to potyviruses in Phaseolus vulgaris L. IV. Inheritance, linkage relations, and environmental effects of systemic resistance to four potyviruses. Theor. Appl. Genet. 92:204-208.

Munger, H.M., Y. Zhang, S.L. Fenton and M.M. Kyle. 1995. Leaf blower adapted for large scale inoculation of plants with mechanically-transmitted viruses. HortScience 30:1266-1267.

Murphy, J.F. and M.M. Kyle. 1995. Alleviation of restricted systemic spread of pepper mottle potyvirus in Capsicum annuum cv. ‘Avelar’ by coinfection with a cucumovirus. Phytopathology 85:561-566.

Prince, J.P., V.K. Lackney, C. Angeles, J.R. Blauth and M.M. Kyle. 1995. A survey of DNA polymorphism within the genus Capsicum and the fingerprinting of of pepper cultivars. Genome 38:224-231.

Fisher, M.L. and M.M. Kyle. 1994. Inheritance of resistance to potyviruses in Phaseolus vulgaris L. III. Cosegregation of phenotypically similar dominant resistance to nine potyviruses. Theor. Appl. Genet. 89:818-823.

Murphy, J.F. and M.M. Kyle. 1994. Isolation and viral infection of Capsicum leaf protoplasts. Plant Cell Rept. 13:397-400.

Gilbert, R.Z., M.M. Kyle, H.M. Munger and S.M. Gray. 1994. Inheritance of resistance to watermelon mosaic virus in Cucumis melo. HortScience 29:107-110.

Kyle, M.M. and R. Provvidenti. 1993. Inheritance of resistance to potyviruses in Phaseolus vulgaris L. II. Linkage relations and utility of a dominant gene for lethal systemic necrosis to soybean mosaic virus. Theor. Appl. Genet. 86:189-196.

Valyasevi, R., M.M. Kyle, P. Christie and K. Steinkrauss. 1990. Plasmids of Bacillus popilliae. J. Invertebrate Pathol. 56:286-288.

Kyle, M.M. and M.H. Dickson. 1988. Linkage of Hypersensitivity to Five Viruses with the Locus in Phaseolus vulgaris L. J. Hered. 79:308-311.

Kyle, M.M. and R. Provvidenti. 1987. Inheritance of resistance to potato y viruses in Phaseolus vulgaris L. Theor. Appl. Genet. 74:595-600.

Miller, M.D. and F. Solomon. 1984. Kinetics and intermediates of marginal band reformation: Evidence for peripheral determinants of microtubule organization. J. Cell Biol. 99:70-75s.

In Final Preparation

Paustian, K, S.M. Collier, J. Baldock, R. Burgess, J. Creque, M. DeLonge, J. Dungait, B. Ellert, S. Frank, T. Goddard, B. Govaerts, M. Grundy, M. Henning, C. Izuarralde, M. Madaras, B. McConkey, E. Porzig, C. Rice, R. Searle, N. Seavy, R. Skalsky, W. Mulhern and M.M. Jahn.  Quantifying soil carbon measurement for agricultural solis management:  A consensus view from science.

Submitted/In Revision

Egan, A., S.M. Fellman, G.M. Stellari and M.M. Jahn. Identification and characterization of a conserved tandem gene duplication implicated in capsaicinoid biosynthesis. Submitted to Heredity.

Gardeazabal, A, T. Lunt, M.M. Jahn, N. Verhulst, J. Hellin and B. Govaerts.  Knowledge management for innovation in agrifood and health systems:  a conceptual framework.  Submitted to PLOS-ONE.


Popp, J., Jahn, M.M., Matlock, M. and N.P. Kemper, eds. 2012. The Role of Biotechnology in a Sustainable Food Supply. Cambridge University Press, New York, NY.

Kyle, M.M., ed. 1993. Resistance to Viral Diseases of Vegetables: Genetics and Breeding Timber Press, Portland OR.

Book Chapters

Hartemink, A., A. Raster and M.M. Jahn. 2012. The evaluation and reporting of soils in sustainable agriculture and food systems. Issues in Environmental Science and Technology No. 35 Soils and Food Security (R.E. Hester and R.M. Harrison, eds.). Published by the Royal Society of Chemistry

Cavatorta, JR; Gray, SM; Jahn, MM 2012 Biotechnology and the Control of Viral Diseases of Crops in Role Of Biotechnology In A Sustainable Food Supply , Eds. Popp, JS; Jahn, MM; Matlock, MD; Kemper, NP. 77-89. Cambridge Univ Press, England

Cavatorta, J.R., S.M. Gray and M.M. Jahn. 2011. Transgenic resistance in plants. In: Proceedings, Biotechnology and Sustainability, Cambridge University Press

Paran, I., A. Ben Chaim and M.M. Jahn. 2005. Capsicum: Evolution, Domestication, Genetics and Genomics. In: Vegetable Crops Series.

Jahn, M.M., H.M. Munger and J.M. McCreight. 2002. Breeding cucurbit crops for powdery mildew resistance. In: Powdery Mildews: A compendium. APS Press.

Tanksley, S.D., J.P. Prince and M.M. Kyle. 1993. Linkage map of pepper (Capsicum annuum) (2N = 24). In: Genetic Maps, Sixth Edition. O’Brian, ed. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press.

Kyle, M.M. and R. Provvidenti. 1993. Genetics of broad spectrum viral resistance in bean and pea. pp. 153-166. In: Resistance to Viral Diseases of Vegetables: Genetics and Breeding. M.M. Kyle, ed. Timber Press, Portland OR.

McCouch, S.M., P. Ronald and M.M. Kyle. 1993. Biotechnology and Crop Improvement for Sustainable Agricultural Systems. pp. 157-191. In: Crop Improvement for Sustainable Agricultural Systems. M.B. Callaway and F. Forella, eds. University of Nebraska Press.

Superak, T.H., B.T. Scully, M.M. Kyle and H.M. Munger. 1993. Interspecific Transfer of Viral Resistance. pp. 217-236. In: Resistance to Viral Diseases of Vegetables: Genetics and Breeding. M.M. Kyle, ed. Timber Press, Portland OR.

Munger, H.M., M.M. Kyle and R.W. Robinson. 1992. Cucurbits. pp.42-56. In: Historical Review of Traditional Crop Breeding Practices. Group of National Experts on Safety in Biotechnology Working Group. Directorate for Science Technology and Industry/Committee for Scientific and Technological Policy. Paris: Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development. DSTI/STP/BS (92)5/REV1.

Selected Reports

Astorino-Courtois, A. “The Character of Global Competition and Conflict, 2019-2029.” 2019. NSI ViTTa Report. (M.M. Jahn, Subject matter expert contributor).

Astorino-Courtois, A. “Types and Locations of Challenges to US Interests, 2019-2029.” 2019. (M.M. Jahn, Subject matter expert contributor).

D. Swift and Jahn, M.M. “Evolving risks in global food supply.” Lloyd’s Emerging Risks Report 2019: Understanding Risk.

Jahn, M.M., W. Oemichen, G.F. Treverton, S. David, M.A. Rose, M.A. Brosig, B. Jayamaha, W.K. Hutchison, B. Rimestad.  2019.  Cyber Risk and security implications in smart agriculture and food systems.  In review as Thomson Reuters Research Report.

Brosig, COL M., COL P. Frawley, A. Hill, M.M. Jahn, COL M. Marsicek, A. Paris, M. Rose, COL Shambaljamts, N. Thomas. 2019. Implications of climate change for the U.S. Army. US Army War College Occasional Paper published 23 May 2019.

Jahn, M.M., G.F. Treverton, D.A. Bray, B. Jayamaha, W. Valdes, B. Carnes, W. Hutchison, W.S. Mulhern. 2018. “Are declines in U.S. federal workforce capabilities putting our government at risk of failure?”  Senior Executive Association (Washington, DC) occasional paper.

Jahn, M.M., B. Jayamaha, W.S. Mulhern, D.E. Ross, M.A. Rose, G.F. Treverton. 2018. “Global Food System Stability and Risk: At the Nexus of Defense and Development.” Thomson Reuters Research Report.

Janetos, A., Justice, C., Jahn, M., Obersteiner, M., Glauber, J., Mulhern, W. “The Risks of Multiple Breadbasket Failures in the 21st Century: A Science Research Agenda.” 2017. Pardee Center Research Report, The Frederick S. Pardee Center for the Study of the Longer-Range Future, Boston University.

Food System Shock: The Insurance Impacts of Acute Disruption to the Global Food Supply.” 2015. Emerging Risk Report, Lloyd’s of London. (Prepared for Lloyd’s by a research team led by Aled Jones and Molly Jahn).

Extreme weather and resilience of the global food system.” 2015. Final Project Report from the UK-US Taskforce on Extreme Weather and Global Food System Resilience.  The Global Food Security Programme. (M. Jahn, one of the lead authors).

Solutions for Sustainable Agriculture and Food Systems.” Technical Report for the Post-2015 Development Agenda. Sustainable Development Solutions Network, A global initiative for the United Nations. Prepared by the Thematic Group on Sustainable Agriculture and Food Systems of the Sustainable Development Solutions Network 18 September 2013. (M. Jahn, Working group member)

UN Global Compact Sustainable Agriculture Business Principles. Sustainable Agriculture Team, United Nations Global Compact Office. July 2013, New York. (M. Jahn, Working group member)

Report to the President on Agricultural Preparedness & the Agriculture Research Enterprise,” by the President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology.  2012.  (M. Jahn, working group member)

Beddington J, Asaduzzaman M, Clark M, Fernández A, Guillou M, Jahn M, Erda L, Mamo T, Van Bo N, Nobre CA, Scholes R, Sharma R, Wakhungu J.  2012.  Achieving food security in the face of climate change: Final report from the Commission on Sustainable Agriculture and Climate Change. CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS). Copenhagen, Denmark.


[Molly Jahn’s Full CV]